Lillian Too & Jennifer Too Fortune & Feng Shui 2015 – Dragon by Lillian Too & Jennifer Too
The DRAGON enters a year when it is most beneficial to lean on the inner spirituality of the self. In 2015, your sign sits directly on the Star of Golden Deity and on your left is a star of BIG AUSPICIOUS. You also enjoy the Ho Tu of 7/2, which brings big money luck. The energies of the year are favourable, but there is the illness star, although this is easily subdued with the correct feng shui cure. The challenging news is that 2015 is a year when you need to enhance your personal Windhorse. The Dragon needs to exert strong energy to achieve success. While your life force is strong, your confidence levels are low. It will benefit you to wear the Windhorse and participate in Windhorse-enhancing rituals. Also carry the Ho Tu Mirror that activates windfall money luck for you!
Avoid quarrelsome energy as much as you can. The best month for you this year is July. September is when unexpected good opportunities come your way, and February and November are excellent for those looking for love. In January 2016, you need to be extra careful with your health.
Published Date : 2014
ISBN : 978-697-329-147-2
Number of Pages : 237 Pages
Language : English
Dimension : 11.0cm (width) x 15.0cm (length) x 1.2cm (height)
Lillian Too & Jennifer Too Fortune & Feng Shui 2015 – Rabbit by Lillian Too & Jennifer Too
The RABBIT benefits from strong victory winds in 2015. This is brought to your EAST location by the star of 1 in the year's feng shui chart. Good fortune is further enhanced by the auspicious Ho Tu of 6/1, which brings wisdom that gives you good judgement and prompts you to make good decisions. As a result, the year's feng shui winds are harmonious. What makes things truly exciting for you is the fabulous strength of your life force and spirit essence. The Rabbit is set for a win-win year, so you must not allow anything to get in your way. Aim for success and strengthen your lung ta by wearing the Windhorse and making regular incense offerings to the Cosmic Protectors of your space.
Energize the victory star by invoking the powerful warrior presence of the great King Gesar. Display his image and victory flag high up in your home. You enjoy extremely good fortune months in April, May and June, which are the months of Spring. This suggests that anything you start in these months will have excellent prospects for success. August is also a good month, while those looking for love should have something lucky coming your way in October.
Published Date : 2014
ISBN : 978-697-329-145-5
Number of Pages : 233 Pages
Language : English
Dimension : 11.0cm (width) x 15.0cm (length) x 1.2cm (height)
Lillian Too & Jennifer Too Fortune & Feng Shui 2015 – Tiger by Lillian Too & Jennifer Too
The TIGER enjoys wonderful blessings in 2015 emanating from the heavenly star of 6. There is unexpected good fortune and wonderful support from influential benefactors. The Tiger also sits directly on the Heaven Seal, so the positive impact is further strengthened. Make a special effort to honour the God of Heaven on the 8th day of the Lunar New Year and carry or display the Heaven Seal near you. This will ensure the lucky energies around you get activated. Appease the Cosmic Protectors by offering special incense, and benefit from the presence of King Gesar riding the Windhorse. This strengthens your weak lung ta, bringing success and completion luck. The Tiger also benefits from energizing the luck of the four friends by wearing or displaying the Harmony Crest.
The Tiger has strong life force and spirit essence this year, so make the best of February and November, your stellar months. April and January 2016 are when you are at your best as heaven smiles on you these two months. Those looking for love will find June in the season of summer to be most favourable.
Published Date : 2014
ISBN : 978-697-329-145-8
Number of Pages : 233 Pages
Language : English
Dimension : 11.0cm (width) x 15.0cm (length) x 1.2cm (height)
Lillian Too & Jennifer Too Fortune & Feng Shui 2015 – Ox by Lillian Too & Jennifer Too
The OX enjoys superlative success luck in 2015. You benefit from the strength of your personal Windhorse. As a result, the smallest effort on your part brings easy completion of success. You are blessed by the heavenly star of 6, so there will be unexpected good fortune and wonderful support form powerful benefactors. But the Ox must safeguard from being in direct conflict with the Tai Sui, so you must absolutely NOT face Southwest 1 this year. Do note that the God of Heaven is supporting you, so remember to honour the God of Heaven on the 8th day of the Lunar New Year; display the Heaven Seal and invite images of Cosmic Protectors, in particular King Gesar who rides the powerful Windhorse to great victories.
The best months for you this year are February and November, so you start the year with good fortune. April, and January 2016, are when you are at your best as heaven smiles on you these two months. Those looking for love will find June in the season of summer to be most favourable.
Published Date : 2014
ISBN : 978-697-329-144-1
Number of Pages : 222 Pages
Language : English
Dimension : 11.0cm (width) x 15.0cm (length) x 1.2cm (height)
Lillian Too & Jennifer Too Fortune & Feng Shui 2015 – Rat by Lillian Too & Jennifer Too
The RAT benefits from powerfully auspicious winds in 2015. This is brought to your NORTH location by the star of 8 in the year's feng shui chart. Good fortune for you is made even stronger by the presence of two BIG AUSPICIOUS indications in the year's 24 Mountains compass, so the energies favour your sign very strongly. Everything around you works in your favour, but you will need to strengthen your inner essence, motivate yourself and plan for success. The Rat must enhance its confidence levels, invoke the Windhorse to strengthen its lung ta, and make every effort to participate strongly in the auspicious flow of energies this year!
Lean strongly on your astrological allies, in particular the Monkey who enjoys great life force and inner essence. Energize the number 8 with strong Water energy and stay clear of hostility vibes. The best month for you is April, although June is great for unexpected opportunities coming your way, while August is excellent for those looking for love. The last three months of 2015, October, November and December are also looking good, as is January 2016 when everything ripens magnificently for you.
Published Date : 2014
ISBN : 978-697-329-143-4
Number of Pages : 229 Pages
Language : English
Dimension : 11.0cm (width) x 15.0cm (length) x 1.2cm (height)
Lillian Too's Secrets of Your House Charts by Lillian Too
Secrets Of Your House Charts arranges the texts of thousands of years of Chinese traditional practices, summarizing them into easily digestible sections - all in one easy-to-use volume. This book is easy to understand and even easier to use to get your feng shui right. Instructions and guidelines given within are specific and practical, written to explain, clarify and simplify thus making all your placement and timing decisions easy. Whether for your home, your garden or your work area, get familiar with the objects, images and symbols that have the power to transform negative vibes into good fortune. Learn to diagnose problem areas. Understand the importance of time changes in luck. Master the compass formulas of feng shui. Become specific in your practice of feng shui. And try the secret empowerment rituals that protect, enhance and empower your life.
Included in this book is a comprehensive explanation of feng shui terminology which every reader will find useful. Illustrated with all the most important reference charts and diagrams, this book immediately brings your use of feng shui to a new level of effectiveness.
Written with conviction and great perception, the Secrets Of Your House Charts is the definitive feng shui book for modern living.
Published Date : 2013
ISBN : 978-697-329-141-0
Number of Pages : 296 Pages
Language : English
Dimension : 2 cm (width) x 14.5 cm (length) x 21.5 cm (height)
Lillian Too & Jennifer Too Fortune & Feng Shui 2014 - Boar by Lillian Too & Jennifer Too
The BOAR is adversely affected by the misfortune star brought by the feng shui winds of 2014. But you are blessed with a very strong Life Force and Spirit Essence. The strength of your vitality thus enables you to subdue the negative effects of the number 5 star. When your Life Force and Spirit Essence are at their peak, they imbue your personality with a special charisma so that you enjoy popularity amongst friends and work colleagues. The year's luck for the Boar is also helped by the presence of a very strong personal Wind Horse, which brings exciting success potential indeed.
Light the fire within you and get started on your path to building long lasting FINANCIAL SUCCESS. Invite the great KUBERA, Bringer of Wealth and Lord of Horses into your office to strengthen your stamina, health and prosperity energy. Those in search of love and romance can maximize the effect of the Peach Blossom Star.
Get your timing right. Note the best months for you to make important changes and discover powerful ways to dissolve the negative energies of sickness, obstacles and mishaps. Get fast-working astrological remedies and feng shui enhancers to successfully ride the aggressive energies of this WOOD HORSE year 2014.
Published Date : 2013
ISBN : 978-697-329-126-7
Number of Pages : 223 Pages
Language : English
Dimension : 11.0cm (width) x 15.0cm (length) x 1.2cm (height)
Lillian Too & Jennifer Too Fortune & Feng Shui 2014 – Dog by Lillian Too & Jennifer Too
The DOG is hit by the misfortune star of 5 brought by the feng shui winds of 2014, but benefits from excellent Life Force and Spirit Essence level. The strength of your vitality enables you to subdue the effects of the five yellow. When your Life Force and Spirit Essence are high, they imbue your personality with a special charisma so that you enjoy popularity amongst friends and work colleagues.
Strengthen your weak Wind Horse this year! The Dog should perform this ritual to get the best from its excellent Life Force and Spirit Essence. This will bring you the SUCCESS you want. Invite the great KUBERA, Bringer of Wealth and Lord of Horses into your office to strengthen your inner spirit, stabilize your health and subdue your anger energy.
Those in search of a marriage partner can activate the Peach Blossom Star. Get your timing right. Note months when you must stay low key and months to make important changes. Discover powerful new ways to dissolve conflict and hostility. Get fast-working astrological remedies and feng shui enhancers to successfully ride the aggressive energies of this WOOD HORSE year 2014.
Published Date : 2013
ISBN : 978-697-329-125-0
Number of Pages : 216 Pages
Language : English
Dimension : 11.0cm (width) x 15.0cm (length) x 1.2cm (height)
Lillian Too & Jennifer Too Fortune & Feng Shui 2014 – Rooster by Lillian Too & Jennifer Too
The ROOSTER enjoys the full benefits of good feng shui winds, which bring the Heavenly Star Number 6 as well as powerful Ho Tu combination of 1/6. This particular Ho Tu brings the luck of knowledge and wisdom. It enhances feelings of happiness and enables you to ignore minor conflicts that may otherwise cause you to feel agitated and exhausted. But you need to enhance your self-confidence and strengthen your Life Force to take fullest advantage of the good fortune indications in the year's charts.
Activate the star of 6 and HO TU energies to take fullest advantage of your excellent personal Wind Horse. Your lung ta is at peak levels this year, which means you enjoy tremendous success luck. Invite the great KUBERA, Bringer of Wealth and Lord of Horses into your office to increase your stamina and confidence. Those looking for a soul mate or marriage partner can activate the effect of the Peach Blossom Star.
Get your timing right. Note the best months for you to make important decisions and discover new ways to enjoy yet greater victories. Install fast-working astrological remedies and feng shui enhancers to enjoy a truly joyful ride in this aggressive year of the WOOD HORSE 2014.
Published Date : 2013
ISBN : 978-697-329-124-3
Number of Pages : 219 Pages
Language : English
Dimension : 11.0cm (width) x 15.0cm (length) x 1.2cm (height)
Lillian Too & Jennifer Too Fortune & Feng Shui 2014 – Monkey by Lillian Too & Jennifer Too
The MONKEY benefits from the auspicious Star of Golden Deity as well as the presence of the Victory Star of 1. These two indications suggest a year when successes are brought by good feng shui winds and excellent cosmic forces. You need however to seriously strengthen your inner Spirit Essence and Life Force, which are weak in 2014. Look after yourself and avoid moving too fast, as you may be vulnerable to spirit harm this year. These indications suggest that you are in need of cosmic protection. Strengthening your personal Wind Horse by performing the full ritual of raising the Wind Horse is sure to be of benefit!
Work hard at staying disciplined this year. It is through sustained personal effort that you can build long lasting COMMERCIAL SUCCESS. Invite the great KUBERA, Bringer of Wealth and Lord of Horses into your office to strengthen your stamina, health and prosperity energy this year. Those in search of love and romance can maximize the effect of the Peach Blossom Star.
Get your timing right. Note your best months for making important decisions. Discover new ways to subdue your personal weaknesses. Get fast-working astrological remedies and feng shui enhancers to successfully ride the aggressive energies of this WOOD HORSE year 2014.
Published Date : 2013
ISBN : 978-697-329-122-9
Number of Pages : 223 Pages
Language : English
Dimension : 11.0cm (width) x 15.0cm (length) x 1.2cm (height)