Lillian Too & Jennifer Too Fortune & Feng Shui 2019 - RABBIT by Lillian Too & Jennifer Too
The RABBIT in 2019 benefits from excellent life force and spirit essence, the two most important indicators of feng shui ascendency, as these indicate strength and sacred vitality that invigorate you. You are helped by the presence of the Heavenly Star #6 in the feng shui chart, which brings you extremely favourable winds of good fortune. This is a year of good chi energy and good winds bringing many positive indications. Do take strongest advantage of these favourable winds coming your way and invite as many auspicious placements into your home as you can. When you invite symbolic placements associated with abundance into your home in a good year, the effect is that you are creating insurance for future years!
Published Date : 2018
Number of Pages :
Language : English
Dimension : 1.2cm (width) x 10.0cm (length) x 15.5cm (height)
Lillian Too & Jennifer Too Fortune & Feng Shui 2019 - TIGER by Lillian Too & Jennifer Too
The TIGER in 2019 is one of only two signs enjoying excellent life force and spirit essence. You are strong, healthy and filled with superb energy levels that suppress whatever negatives may come your way, including the illness star. There is nothing you cannot achieve, and this year, you enjoy wonderful popularity and recognition luck. You benefit from the Star of Heavenly Seal in your compass sector. This brings strength to your inner chi, so you benefit from support from those you work with. Collectively, your good stars enhance your spiritual aura, curb all illness chi and enable you to suppress all negative indications near you.
Published Date : 2018
Number of Pages :
Language : English
Dimension : 1.2cm (width) x 10.0cm (length) x 15.5cm (height)
Lillian Too & Jennifer Too Fortune & Feng Shui 2019 - OX by Lillian Too & Jennifer Too
The OX in 2019 enjoys very good life force and spirit essence, which coupled with equally strong SUCCESS luck make this a very good year for you. Many things go right this year, as these are powerful indications of strong inner chi bringing self-contained good fortune. Your personal Windhorse is flying high and the 24 Mountains bring you the Star of Small Auspicious, with another Star of Big Auspicious on your right! Your strong element combination easily suppresses the illness star brought your way by the year’s feng shui winds. Success luck is excellent and those engaged in business and commerce can expand – they should activate strongly for success and prosperity luck.
Published Date : 2018
Number of Pages :
Language : English
Dimension : 1.2cm (width) x 10.0cm (length) x 15.5cm (height)
Lillian Too & Jennifer Too Fortune & Feng Shui 2019 - RAT by Lillian Too & Jennifer Too
The RAT in 2019 enjoys strong Peach Blossom luck. You are surrounded by loving energies and your popularity soars. The 24 Mountains ensure you sit on a Star of Small Auspicious and you are flanked by a pair of BIG Auspicious stars. You are SO lucky this year! You can strengthen your Peach Blossom luck and spirit essence to make the year even better. The Rat recovers from last year’s wu wang weakness, but spirit essence requires strengthening. You benefit from hanging windchimes that come with auspicious symbols. Windchimes activate the Metal element, which benefits you by adding to your resource luck. This opens the way to greater success. Wear sacred amulet pendants to ensure you stay protected through the year.
Published Date : 2018
Number of Pages :
Language : English
Dimension : 1.2cm (width) x 10.0cm (length) x 15.5cm (height)
Lillian Too & Jennifer Too Astrology & Feng Shui 2018 - Boar by Lillian Too & Jennifer Too
The BOAR in 2018 must compensate for its weak life force and spirit
essence by wearing powerful energy amulets and seed syllables that
bring the vitality and vigour needed to jump start your inner lung
ta, which is strong. Best is the OM pendant to jump start good
fortune. This brings SUCCESS chi energy your way and will augment the
powerful winds of victory brought by the #1 star of the feng shui
chart. This is year when going for a series of small successes brings
an accumulation of good fortune and ultimate victory for the big
prize. You need to strengthen the presence of METAL element around
you to manifest financial success this year!
Published Date : 2017
ISBN : 978-967-329-232-5
Number of Pages : 216
Language : English
Dimension : 1.2cm (width) x 10.0cm (length) x 15.5cm (height)
Lillian Too & Jennifer Too Astrology & Feng Shui 2018 - Dog by Lillian Too & Jennifer Too
The DOG in 2018 enjoys the powerful victory feng shui star of #1,
which brings winning chi. Patriarchal energy benefits from qui ren or
benefactor luck, as this is your year. As the central dominating
energy of the year is 9, this creates the sum-of-ten combination with
the Victory Star in the Dog sector. Displaying nine dogs in the NW
brings the special magic of this excellent combination. You also
benefit from the strong support of the TAI SUI. This compensates for
the low level of your personal lung ta, hence strengthening the power
of the TAI SUI is especially important. Manifest prosperity this
Published Date : 2017
ISBN : 978-967-329-231-8
Number of Pages : 208
Language : English
Dimension : 1.2cm (width) x 10.0cm (length) x 15.5cm (height)
Lillian Too & Jennifer Too Astrology & Feng Shui 2018 - Rooster by Lillian Too & Jennifer Too
The ROOSTER in 2018 is the strongest of the 12 signs. Your life force
and spirit essence are at all-time highs. These are the strongest
indications of the inner chi, which brings self-contained good
fortune. There will be vigour and vitality to your prosperity
manifestation. Your success potential as indicated by your personal
WINDHORSE luck is also at peak levels. Your element combination is
very powerful and this easily suppresses the illness star brought by
feng shui winds. Wealth luck is excellent and for the 37 and 73 year
old Roosters, this is a superb year indeed. Activate strongly for
success and prosperity this year!
Published Date : 2017
ISBN : 978-967-329-230-1
Number of Pages : 206
Language : English
Dimension : 1.2cm (width) x 10.0cm (length) x 15.5cm (height)
Lillian Too & Jennifer Too Astrology & Feng Shui 2018 - Monkey by Lillian Too & Jennifer Too
The MONKEY in 2018 benefits from the splendid winds of the # 6 star.
This brings unexpected windfall luck that comes from heaven, and
those engaged in Metal industries will benefit the most, especially
if you strengthen Metal element around you. There is powerful
benefactor or qui ren luck coming to help you. This is strengthened
by the presence of the Star of Golden Deity, which flies into your
sector. The best news is that your life force and spirit essence are
at peak levels. This suggests it is your confidence, hard work and
determination that will bring you big success. You create your own
luck. Invite the Golden Deity into your home!
Published Date : 2017
ISBN : 978-967-329-229-5
Number of Pages : 208
Language : English
Dimension : 1.2cm (width) x 10.0cm (length) x 15.5cm (height)
Lillian Too & Jennifer Too Astrology & Feng Shui 2018 - Sheep by Lillian Too & Jennifer Too
The SHEEP in 2018 benefits from very strong “lung ta”, the element
energy that brings the WINDHORSE of success fortunes. This is helped
by the presence of the Heavenly Star of 6 blowing very favourable
winds of unexpected good fortune your way. This is a year of pleasant
surprises when good news magnifies the feel-good vibes coming to you.
Take advantage of your strong life force but also stay protected by
wearing powerful seed syllables such as the OM or HUM pendants at all
times. This ensures your weak spirit essence never succumbs to secret
poison arrows. Strengthen your inner spirit by wearing amulet
Published Date : 2017
ISBN : 978-967-329-228-8
Number of Pages : 210
Language : English
Dimension : 1.2cm (width) x 10.0cm (length) x 15.5cm (height)
Lillian Too & Jennifer Too Astrology & Feng Shui 2018 - Horse by Lillian Too & Jennifer Too
The HORSE in 2018 enjoys the luck of the Peach Blossom. Everyone
loves you this year because the feng shui winds blow warm energies of
love your way. It is a good idea to strengthen your Peach Blossom
Luck and take strong measures to galvanize your life force. This
expands your knowledge and broadens your wisdom energies, helping you
achieve peak performance at work this year. The Horse recovers from
last year’s wu wang weaknesses, but chi energy requires
strengthening. You need METAL element energies around you to balance
the elements of the year. Wear powerful amulet jewellery accessories
and invite in holy objects to strengthen home chi.
Published Date : 2017
ISBN : 978-967-329-227-1
Number of Pages : 208
Language : English
Dimension : 1.2cm (width) x 10.0cm (length) x 15.5cm (height)